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About The Series

The by-product of 2 a.m. phone calls and entirely too much caffeine, That's Why I Like Her is the brain child of Andrea Holz and Alexis Bernstein. The series focuses on their thoughts about humanity, being a 20 something, relationships, cheeseburgers, and each other. 

Meet Andrea

Andrea Holz is a Toronto-based, award-winning writer, actress, comedian, coffee master, retail professional, hotel concierge, music critic, cat mother, and passionate fan of James Franco. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram @Andrea_Holz.

Meet Alexis

Alexis Bernstein is a Toronto-based comedian, writer, producer and hat enthusiast. Alexis hails from the world of television with a CV that includes credits such as "Degrassi", and "The Other Kingdom". 

Follow her on Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat @bernsteinalexis






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